Radio astronomy found its birth in the early 1900s. But did you know that the pioneer of radio astronomy, Grote Reber lived in Tasmania? He was an impeccable scientist, conducting the first sky survey of radio frequencies. Today, facilities like the Mt Pleasant Observatory are at the forefront of astronomical research.

Come for a tour of the Grote Reber Museum with Dr Stefan Dieters, and learn about the origins of radio observation. Then learn what the University of Tasmania is doing at the Mt Pleasant Observatory with Professor Simon Ellingsen


Tour of the Grote Reber Museum.

More detail of the radio telescope.

Some of the logistics of running radio telescopes.

Radio astronomy requires a large collaborative network across the country and globe.

Prof. Simon Ellingsen introduces us to Mt Pleasant.

What research is going on at the radio telescope?

Simon tells us about the control room for Mt Pleasant.

Trouble shooting at Mt Pleasant.